Projects & Services: Studies & Analyses

Projects & Services: Studies & Analyses

Appetite for further training

How can the appetite for further education and training be sti­mu­la­ted by money or other measures? 3s rese­ar­ches the broad spectrum of different approa­ches within the EU and lays the foun­da­ti­ons for more sup­port­i­ve policies. 

Further education funding that works

Throughout Europe, there is a multitude of subsidies and measures for indi­vi­du­al career deve­lo­p­ment. With this com­pa­ra­ti­ve research project, we are expanding our knowledge related to these measures and their impact. 

Alleviating the Agony of Choice for Young Adults

How can young adults during their early occu­pa­tio­nal years be encou­ra­ged and best supported? 3s conducts HORIZON 2020 research on young adult learning in Europe to provide answers. Learning also takes place at the workplace. 

Quo vadis uni­ver­si­ty graduate?

Policies and practices of EU Member States in tracking the careers of graduates from higher education or higher voca­tio­nal education are the subject of this study funded by the European Commission.