Special issue on the Future of VET

The Hungarian Educational Research Journal (HERJ) recently published a special issue on the future of vocational education and training in Europe, edited by Jörg Markowitsch, Magdolna Benke and Jens Bjørnåvold.


Promoting the green trans­for­ma­ti­on in European VET

The EU project GREENOVET supports the establishment of "Centres of Vocational Excellence" to enhance the development of an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy in Europe.


EXPECT – Sustainable voca­tio­nal education and training in Finland

Recently, the fifth peer learning activity of the Erasmus+ project EXPECT took place in Helsinki.


Quality labels for Centres of Vocational Excellence

The development of two labels and a Vocational Excellence Award are the subject of a project commissioned by ETF with 3s as coordinator.


Self-Assessment Tool for Centres of Vocational Excellence

3s supports the ETF in the promotion of outstanding practice in vocational education and training by designing a self-assessment tool for Centres of Vocational Excellence.


EXPECT — Sustainable Vocational Education and Training in Latvia

After another peer learning activity, the 4th newsletter of the Erasmus+ project EXPECT - Exchanges of Practices in Education for Climate Targets has been published.


New VET model for Greece

This project supports the Greek government in developing a new model for VET schools to improve the quality, labour market relevance and attractiveness of vocational education and training.


EXPECT — Sustainable voca­tio­nal education and training in Great Britain

The fourth Peer Learning Activity (PLA) of the Erasmus+ project EXPECT took place in Brighton, England, after a long COVID break.


2nd EXPECT news­let­ter published

News from the Peer Learning Activities (PLAs) of the Erasmus+ project EXPECT on education for sustainable development in European VET.


International workshop on the future of voca­tio­nal education and training

With the support of 3s, the EU agency Cedefop organised a virtual workshop on challenges and opportunities in VET from 26-27 November 2020.
