Tag archives: VET
Volume 3 on the Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe
The third volume of results from our three-year Cedefop project on the future of VET is now available. This time focusing on assessment in IVET.
Future of VET – challenges and choices
The challenges European VET systems face are manifold. The results of a multi-year research project on this were recently discussed at an online conference.
Special issue on the Future of VET
The Hungarian Educational Research Journal (HERJ) recently published a special issue on the future of vocational education and training in Europe, edited by Jörg Markowitsch, Magdolna Benke and Jens Bjørnåvold.
Series of online lectures during the Apprenticeship Week 2022
The Erasmus+ VET Team Austria invites you to an online lecture series with renowned experts from 19 September to 4 October.
Nursing shortage in the spotlight
work-o-witch and 3s invite to a film screening to discuss the role of film in the professional training of nursing staff and as a medium for addressing the staff shortage.
Promoting the green transformation in European VET
The EU project GREENOVET supports the establishment of "Centres of Vocational Excellence" to enhance the development of an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy in Europe.
More on the future of vocational education and training in Europe – volume 2 published
Another volume of results from our three-year Cedefop project was recently published, analysing changes in the institutional setting of IVET delivery in response to changing demand for skills.
Comparing qualifications – report published
The recently published final report of our Cedefop project on comparing vocational education and training qualifications brings together all the results of several years of work.
On the future of vocational education and training in Europe — volume 1 published
The first volume of results from our three-year Cedefop project on the status and prospects of VET in Europe has just been published.
Quality labels for Centres of Vocational Excellence
The development of two labels and a Vocational Excellence Award are the subject of a project commissioned by ETF with 3s as coordinator.